Equine-imityBK is an original Horsensei program designed for community, religious, and work groups seeking a psychospiritual re-connection to their own values and the rekindling of feelings of playfulness, peace, and well-being.
Horses are consummate teachers of basic life skills and deep, transformative behaviors in humans. Equine experiential learning draws upon the nobility, strength, sensitivity, and magic of the horse to help us achieve mindfulness, clear communication, a sense of relationship, the rekindling of our playfulness, and feelings of peace and well-being.
Horses are large but easily frightened prey animals whose survival has depended on becoming exquisitely sensitive to all stimuli. By reflecting back to us our communication styles and our judgments, horses teach respectful, mutually empowered interactions and tolerance of self and others. As swift, powerful and sometimes intimidating animals, horses create a natural opportunity for us to overcome fear and develop inner confidence.
Equine-imityBK participants will work with one or more horses under the close supervision of highly experienced horse handlers. During the three days, we will alternate between the classroom and the corral as we learn to approach and choose our horse companions; learn to be safe around horses; learn to groom, lead, and join up with them; and play with them. In an atmosphere of unconditional support and compassion, we will reconnect with our ability to play and arrive at a place of self-awareness and self-appreciation, the essential ingredients of peace of mind and peace of heart.
Our horses are gentle, well-socialized, and lovingly cared for. Many of them are seasoned co-facilitators of equine experiential learning. Beverley Kane, MD, founder of Horsensei Equine-Assisted Learning and Therapy, is an avid horsewoman who has done psychospiritual counseling for 27 years and has taught at Esalen, EquuSatori Center, Union Theological Seminary, San Damiano Franciscan Retreat, and in Silicon Valley corporations such as Apple and Lockheed.
To schedule Equine-imityBK for your group, please contact us at sensei@horsensei.com.